Monday, October 29, 2007

Step One on the PageRank ladder

Yes, my humble little blog, Rinnah's Marketplace, has managed to step up to PR1 on the PageRank ladder. I have to admit that I haven't really been paying much attention to this blog, but just letting it grow by itself slowly. No more! It's time to up the pace and really let this blog shine! Now to motivate myself to go for PR2!

Also, I just realized that I've passed three months and twenty posts for this blog, which means that I can finally take the step of monetizing it! More moolah coming my way... ka-ching!


Anonymous said...

COngratulations! Because of this post, I checked the PR on my shopping blog and was amazed to find it is PR4!! Whoopeee!! I should start NOT neglecting it now...

rinnah said...

giddy tiger: Wow! PR4 eh? You definitely need to do something to it and not neglect it then. Hehehe.